The Flickering Light In The Cold Dark Night.

Molls (Samantha Hurst)
3 min readDec 8, 2023

The world finds itself in a time of great unrest. There are those who are blindly walking into a life of control and obedience and those who are resisting the “dying of the light.” These recent years have taught many of us that the world we see is not the world we believed it was and we have faced a shattering of our illusions. Whilst this waking up has felt like a loss of innocence, there has been a power awakened within us as we have faced the truth and have stood strong against a world that wants our acquiescence.

Within this universal dark night of the soul, we have connected with those who feel as we do. We have found lifelong friends and kindred spirits in our stand against tyranny. Often, these friends have been a place of solace for those who have found themselves outcast from their friends and family because they have a difference of opinion — an opinion that challenges the egos of those clinging to the comforts of a deceptive safety, a safety that blinds them to the self-serving motives of those in power. Yet, in this awakened reality, a prevailing sense of disorganisation can leave us feeling powerless against the colossal forces seeking to dominate us.

One flickering light in this cold, dark night is The Other Party, a beacon of hope in the realm of politics, aspiring to usher in the change we so desperately crave. Its founder, Dominic Ryder, writes…

“We are nobody and everybody. We, as a party, do not stand on the left or the right; we stand for a change in the political system. We stand for a future where the will of the many is not put into the hands of the few in order to enact that will. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The Other Party aims to bring us all together under one idea, no matter the differing of our opinions. If we can do this and begin to feel that our voice matters, then we have the power to create change. We are many, and they are few. Those in power only have the illusion of power and not the power itself. True power resides within each of us, just beneath the veil of fear that conceals it, and this fear is not real.

This fear that grips us is but a phantom, an illusion that obscures the possibilities of a new reality. If we can overcome this fear we can stand tall and declare, “no more.” We can refuse to be shackled by the chains of our own fears, as well as the chains the world wants to keep us in.

If we come together in unity, if we take each other’s hands, we will find this courage.

Together, we can navigate the uncharted territory of a new world, releasing the grip of fear and forging a path towards a shared liberation.

So please know that this flickering light is not just me or you; it is us — a powerful collective that can be embodied in The Other Party…A flickering light that will become raging fire that cannot be stopped. Then we may rise up, declaring a resounding “no” to the forces that seek to oppress us.

It only takes one word: No.

So, I invite you to join us, become part of the revolution, and let our combined strength illuminate the path.

Be the change…

With love always,


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Molls (Samantha Hurst)

Molls is a Three Principles Teacher, Author and Artist. You an find out more about her at